
Dance And Music

Dance and Movement Therapy is a psycho therapeutic use of movement to promote emotional, social, cognitive and physical integration of the individual. Music is also an integral part of this discipline and many Speech and Language Therapists and, obviously, music therapists will advise the use of music therapy for children with SEN. There are so many benefits of using music with children with additional needs as it stimulates and enhances cognitive abilities, helps them develop motor skills and offers a new form of expression. Children are taught dance by a professional dance teacher and they excel in state and national level competitions and has bagged many medals and awards.

Sports And Games

Under the able guidance of a trained international coach, our children are given training in sports & games, like cricket, volleyball, basketball, relay race, badminton, bocce, roller skating, floor hockey, table tennis etc. The annual sports day is conducted every year in the month of November. Some of our students are well advanced in sports and games. Special Olympics are the platform where they exhibit their talents. They have travelled far and wide to take part in various games and invariably brought gold, silver and bronze medals. It is a matter of pride that everywhere our children stand out in their performance.

Training In Art &Craft Skills

When an objective to expose and provide children with intellectual disability a platform to interact with the community and society at large, the children are taken for local sightseeing and to places of interest outside the city. Such programmes are conducted in a way that students are able to take maximum benefits.

Picnic /Excursion For Children

Sensory Integration Therapy is used to help children learn to use all their senses together – that is, touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing, as well as senses related to body movement. It’s claimed that this therapy can improve challenging behavior and repetitive behavior, especially in autistic children.

Celebrations And Functions

Life is a celebration. We just need persons to celebrate it. To foster national integration, international understanding, religious and cultural awareness and tolerance, various national, religious and cultural festivals and occasions were celebrated with due pomp and grandeur.

  • National Festivals: Independence Day& Republic Day celebrated with due reverence for our motherland with patriotic songs and dances.
  • Religious Festivals : All religious festivals like Diwali, Lori,Christmas, Dhasara etc are celebrated throughout the year with due respect to the religious sentiments of our students.
  • Other Celebrations: The school gives due recognition to significant global events and celebrate these days. Some of these events are International Women’s day, International World Disability Day, Yoga Day, , Girl Child Day, Autisam dayand World down syndrome day .

Exhibitions Cum Sale On Handicraft By Pwds Of Prem Ashram

Children’s works and performances are displayed in an Art and Craft Exhibition during Diwali and which is visited and bought by locals. Three days before the Diwali we go to nearby school for the sale of Diwali candles and crafts materials made by our children. We wish to continue this exhibitions and workshop to support our PwDs who excel in sports, dance, painting and handicraft but we need the help and support from you. We teach these vocational skills to children so that they can exhibit or make use of their skills for a better cause.


Parents are invited before & after completion of vacations like summer, winter to get all the home based program of different regressive area of their ward. They intimate their ward's class teacher as well as clinical staff members & get respective advises according to the need. They are always free to give their suggestions. Since Prem Ashram Institute has been working with an objective to empower parents and family members of children with intellectual disability, in these meetings parents of children with intellectual disability & members of the staff of Prem Ashram interact in a group where in problems related to training & management of children are discussed and decided. Seminar/workshop is arranged for special educators to update their knowledge and they are motivated to teach and train the special children the best way possible.