

Prem Ashram Special School is fully equipped and staffed by well-trained and qualified staff. It has a speech therapy, occupational therapy/physiotherapy, sensory integrated therapy, psychological assessment and early intervention therapy center, and behavior modification therapy. Today, it caters to over a hundred Children With Special Needs (CWSN) coming from different parts of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Delhi, Chandigarh, Jharkhand, Assam, Uttarakhand, and J&K.

Physio Therapy

Physiotherapy is one of the important resources where disabled children/adults' strength and weakness can be trained in a holistic way. Physiotherapy assesses how a person moves and compares it to developmental milestones. Physiotherapy for children includes the following:

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy interventions include helping children with disabilities to participate fully in school and social situations, helping people recover from injury to regain skills, and providing support for children by adapting to physical and cognitive changes. The therapy includes the following:

  • Hand Function Therapy (HFT)
  • Play Therapy
  • Group Therapy

Sensory Integration Therapy (SIT)

Sensory Integration Therapy is used to help children learn to use all their senses together – that is, touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing, as well as senses related to body movement. It’s claimed that this therapy can improve challenging behavior and repetitive behavior, especially in autistic children.

Psychological Assessment/Psychological Tests

Psychological assessment is the process of collecting information to develop an overall understanding of someone – their past experiences, present problems, and future goals. Psychological tests are administered or scored by a trained evaluator. The following therapy is also provided by the Psychologist for children with special needs:

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
  • Behaviour Therapy (BT)
  • Antecedents Behaviour Consequences (ABC)

Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy is a treatment that rectifies speech and language disorders in children. Especially, Speech Therapy helps individuals gain the ability to communicate through speech and language. We use repetitive exercises as well as assistive devices for communication therapy. The main focus is on:

  • Language Intervention Activities
  • Articulation Therapy
  • Oral-Motor / Feeding & Swallowing Therapy
  • Vision & Auditory Therapy
  • Reading and Writing Training