This school is permanently affiliated to (PSEB) Punjab school education board Mohali from the nursery classes up to
12th standard and every student is required to take the following subjects as course of study up to class 10th
English compulsory to get pass marks for obtaining the past certificate, Punjabi compulsory till the 10th standard
Hindi being the national language of India is compulsory up to 8 standards for all the students. Those students who
wish to get a certificate in Hindi subject should continue to take Hindi as an optional language also in the ninth
and 10th standard, along with Punjabi which is compulsory for all up to 10 standards, the school will make the
necessary arrangements to engage our teacher mentoring for the principal to teach Hindi or request and on payment
for an extra mathematics, science, physics, chemistry, and biology SS Environmental study.
Physical education/computer application, PSEB certificate will be awarded to candidates who attain the pass mark for
all subjects